Wednesday 13 June 2012

The Facebook Challenge

As I posted another video I enjoyed recently onto my facebook page this morning I realised something. I am currently using a social tool which allows me to interact with over 400 people (my current number of 'friends) from many different walks of life and all I'm doing is posting yet another Corridor Digital video onto my timeline which is - lets face it - an insipid waste of digital real estate.
Excuse me while I shoot myself
We live in an age where we are simultaneously more connected and more isolated from each other than any other point in history and facebook squats at the centre of this phenomenon like some bloated cancerous lesion filled with the idiotic mewlings of idiots who have somehow fooled themselves into thinking anyone gives a fuck about the exact dimentions of the subway they just ate (it was hueg). If I actually used this website the book produced would probably be the only literally work that Stephenie Meyer could feel superior about.
As you can see I was as funny then as I am now... Which is to say not funny at all.
The saddest thing about this is that we seem to prefer this social white noise to actual real contact with people who we know (and in some cases don't really know as a result), because of this I have decided to issue a challenge to you internet. I call it The Facebook Challenge:
When this post goes live I will be creating a facebook group which I will update weekly with my blog. Each week a new subject, topic or challenge will be issued; for example this week's is "reconnect with an old school friend via private message". I know it probably seems weird to just message people out of the blue but you can just use the group as a justification for you're oddness. Thats what I'll be doing anyway so why not join me.

What's the matter, afraid you'll feel something?

Stay Crunchy Internet


  1. Very easy to declare Facebook to be a "lesion" and say the contact we make is shallow, but I view it differently. I only have the time and energy for a certain number of friends who I don't see regularly, and it requires mutual effort, which is rare. Facebook, Twitter et al. allow me to maintain some contact with friends I'd otherwise lose contact with entirely.

    I don't think this seemingly shallow contact is bad at all. I have deep relationships with my close friends, those I see regularly and those I do not. The people I've left behind as we all move around, I've managed to touch base with now and then via email, Facebook, text and so on. I like being able to keep up to date with a large number of friends quickly.

    The challenge will be interesting and I'll follow it for a laugh. Good blog.

  2. I'm not saying that facebook is bad, I'm saying most of us aren't using it properly. Cancerous tumours are made up of cells that could be used for something useful but their cycles are all out of whack and not syncing up properly. The problem isn't the system, its what most of us are doing with it (by choice) that gives me pause for thought; for some reason we distil and crystallise the meaningless and easiest parts of social interaction and forgo the more important ones
